What do ghosts look like?

05/13/2010 17:19

 What do ghosts look like?

My main interest on web sites is looking at pictures, to a point of studying them. I also review many pictures for others. I have studied pictures for sometime now, and still I am amused at some pictures. Some pictures I have seen makes me wonder what people think ghosts look like. Why do people believe that ghosts look like monsters? Wouldn't they not look like they did when they were alive? I don't think ghosts have claw hands, a nose that is a foot long,a face that looks like a pig, a head that is shaped like a cone, or is shaped like one of Casper's cousins, and the list goes on, and on, and on! You say, what about demons, it is my personal belief there are no such things. Demon's are found in the bible, they were a form to instill fear in to one's mind. 

Demon's, so they are called, I believe, are just pissed off ghosts. If a person was a Psychopath for example, I  would think they may be the ones people  call demons. A Psychopath does not have a conscience, at all, no feelings of guilt or remorse and no shame, now that is what I call a demon. I would think one's personality would carry over after death. I don't think because they are dead they are going to change, in fact I believe they would be worse.